Intelli Set™ Clock Radio with Dock for iPod
IMPoRtAnt sAFetY InstRUCtIons
» qUICk stARt
PlayInG a DoCkED IPoD...............................................................................3
TUnInG ThE aM/FM RaDIo............................................................................3
In ThE box .........................................................................................................4
PoWeRInG the UnIt & ReMote
UnIT PowER oPTIonS .....................................................................................5
REMoTE PowER oPTIonS ..............................................................................5
SETTInG ThE CloCk USInG InTEllI SET™..............................................6
SETTInG ThE CloCk ManUally................................................................6
SETTInG ThE alaRM.......................................................................................7
USInG ThE DaylIGhT SavInGS TIME FEaTURE ......................................7
DoCkInG an IPoD To ThE UnIT...................................................................8
PlayInG a DoCkED IPoD...............................................................................8
TUnInG ThE aM/FM RaDIo............................................................................9
SavInG an aM oR FM STaTIon aS a PRESET............................................9
USInG ThE aUxIlIaRy InPUT .......................................................................9
UnIt ContRols & FeAtURes
UnIt ContRol GlossARY
ReMote ContRols & FeAtURes
ReMote ContRol GlossARY
ReMote ContRols & FeAtURes
ReMote & lCD ContRol GlossARY
GREEn InITIaTIvE ..........................................................................................16
InTERnaTIonal SUPPoRT ...........................................................................16
SERvICE InFoRMaTIon.................................................................................16
qUICk stARt
1. Plug the IC609 into an aC outlet.
The Intelli Set™ time feature automatically sets the unit’s time to Eastern Standard.
2. Press the Power Button to turn the unit off.
3. Press and hold the Clock Adjust Button.
4. while holding the Clock Adjust Button press the time Zone Button to adjust the
time zone to your current Time Zone.
Use the map on page 6 to find your time zone.
5. Release the Clock Adjust Button to finish setting the clock.
tUnInG the AM/FM RADIo
Connect the correct docking bracket onto the 1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit
Dock for iPod, and dock the iPod.
2. Press the source Button to select aM
or FM radio modes.
1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit 3. Press the tune + or tune - Buttons to
tune the aM or FM radio.
2. Press the source Button to switch the
unit to iPod mode.
Extend the FM wire antenna to improve
FM reception.
an aM antenna is built into the unit.
adjust the position of the unit to
improve aM reception.
3. Press the Play/Pause Button to begin
playing the docked iPod through the
speakers of the unit.
In the Box
IC609 - Intelli Set™ Clock Radio with
Dock for iPod
Dock plays and charges iPod
Intelli set™ auto clock set
Remote Control
AM/FM radio with digital tuning
Docking brackets for iPod (4)
User’s Guide & warranty
Auxiliary input for iPod shuffle and
other audio devices
Dual alarm with gradual wake
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that no
objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on apparatus.
L’appareil ne doit pas être exposé aux écoulements ou aux éclabous-
sures et aucun objet ne contenant de liquide, tel qu’un vase, ne doit être
placé sur l’objet.
Station memory presets (20 aM, 20
Main plug is used as disconnect device and it should remain readily
operable during intended use. In order to disconnect the apparatus from
the mains completely, the mains plug should be disconnected form the
mains socket outlet completely.
Preset EQ settings
La prise du secteur ne doit pas être obstruée ou doit être facilement
accessible pendant son utilisation. Pour être complètement déconnecté
de l’alimentation d’entrée, la prise doit être débranchée du secteur.
last station memory
Mute function
Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire
or the like.
Les piles ne doivent pas être exposées à de forte chaleur, tel qu’à la
lumière du soleil, au feu ou autres choses de semblable.
volume & function last user setting
Stereo headphone jack
Digital clock
Caution marking is located at the bottom of apparatus.
Les précautions d’emploi sont inscrites en bas de l’appareil.
The marking information is located at the bottom of apparatus.
Les marquages sont inscrits en bas de l’appareil.
wake to iPod, radio, or buzzer
Snooze & sleep function
battery backup
noTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class b digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. however, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Time zone button
Daylight savings time switch
0.8” lCD display with white backlight
Display dimmer control
Two integrated speakers
aC power: aC cord built-in
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/Tv technician for help.
PoWeRInG the UnIt & ReMote
UnIt PoWeR oPtIons
AC Power
attached aC Cord (included)
DC Power - Backup Battery
Requires 1 CR2025 battery (pre-installed)
The backup battery is for saving the time during brief power outages. The unit cannot
preform any of its normal functions when powered off of the backup battery alone.
ReMote PoWeR oPtIons
DC Power
Requires 1 CR2025 battery (pre-installed)
settInG the CloCk UsInG
IntellI set™
settInG the CloCk
The Intelli Set™ time feature automatically
sets the unit’s time to Eastern Standard.
Follow the “Setting the Clock Using Intelli
Set™” instructions before attempting to set
the clock manually.
1. Press and hold the Clock Adjust
1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit
2. Press and hold the Clock Adjust
2. while holding the Clock Adjust
Button press the tune - Button to
adjust the hour and the tune + Button
to adjust the minute of the time.
3. while holding the Clock Adjust
Button press the time Zone Button to
adjust the time zone.
3. Release the Clock Adjust Button to
finish setting the clock.
Use the map below to find your time
4. Release the Clock Adjust Button to
finish setting the clock.
settInG the AlARM
1. Press and hold the Alarm 1 or Alarm 2
2. while holding the Alarm 1 or Alarm
2 Button press the tune - Button to
adjust the hour and the tune + Button
to adjust the minute of the alarm.
LCD Display After Alarms are Set
The above image shows alarm 1 set to sound
to the buzzer, and alarm 2 set to sound to a
docked iPod.
3. while holding the Alarm 1 or Alarm
2 Button press the source Button to
adjust the alarm source.
Buzz- Wake to Buzzer.
LCD Display During Setting of Alarm
The above image shows alarm 2 is being set
to sound to the AM radio. The time will blink
during the setting of the alarm.
Tune FM- Wake to FM radio.
Tune AM- Wake to AM radio.
iPod- Wake to a docked iPod.
4. Release the Alarm 1 or Alarm 2
Button to finish setting the alarm.
To cancel the alarm, press and hold the
Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 Button, and press the
source Button repeatedly until the alarm
source icon on the display disappears.
UsInG the DAYlIGht sAvInGs tIMe
The Daylight Savings Time Feature is meant to be
activated in the Spring at the time of the Summer
Solstice, and deactivated in the autumn at the time of
the winter Solstice.
DST Activated
The DST should be activated
during the Summer Solstice.
1. at the time of the Summer Solstice, press the
Power Button to turn the unit off.
2. Press and hold the Clock Adjust Button.
3. while holding the Clock Adjust Button, press
the Daylight savings time Button to activate the
Daylight Savings Time Feature.
DST Deactivated
The DST should be deactivated
during the Winter Solstice.
4. at the time of the winter Solstice, repeat steps 1-3
to deactivate the Daylight Savings Time Feature.
DoCkInG An IPoD to the UnIt
1. Locate the numbered bracket that fits
the iPod model that will be docked.
Follow the directions for Docking an iPod to
the Unit.
Each included bracket has a number
on it, indicating which iPod model that
bracket is compatible with. See the
separate bracket chart page to identify
which bracket is needed.
1. Press the source Button to switch the
unit to iPod mode.
2. Press the Play/Pause Button to begin
playing the docked iPod through the
speakers of the unit.
3. Press the Rewind and Fast Forward
Buttons to skip between tracks on a
docked iPod.
2. Snap the bracket into place over the
iPod connector in the dock.
Press and hold the Rewind and Fast
Forward Buttons to search through
individual songs on a docked iPod.
3. Connect the iPod to the iPod connector
inside the dock.
4. Press the Play/Pause Button to pause
an iPod during play.
When the unit is plugged in, it will
charge the docked iPod.
tUnInG the AM/FM RADIo
1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit 1. Press the source Button to switch to
Aux Mode.
2. Press the source Button to select aM
or FM radio modes.
3. Press the tune + or tune - Buttons to
tune the aM or FM radio.
2. Connect an MP3 Player or other audio
source to the Auxiliary Input.
Extend the FM wire antenna to improve
FM reception.
Connecting an audio source to the
Auxiliary Input requires a cord with a
3.5 mm mini-phono plug.
an aM antenna is built into the unit.
adjust the position of the unit to
improve aM reception.
sAvInG An AM oR FM stAtIon
As A PReset
Follow the directions for Tuning the aM/
FM Radio.
3. Use the connected device’s controls
to play, pause, stop, and skip between
tracks on the connected device.
1. after tuning the aM or FM radio to
the desired station, press the Memory
Preset numbers will blink on the LCD
2. Press the tune + or tune - Buttons
to select a preset number to save the
current radio station to.
3. Press the Memory Button to save the
current radio station to the selected
preset number.
4. Press the Preset + and Preset - Buttons
to cycle through the saved presets.
UnIt ContRols & FeAtURes
UnIt ContRol GlossARY
08. Rewind/tune - Button
01. Memory/Dst Button
Press the Memory button to save an
aM or FM radio station as a preset.
Fast Forward/tune + Button
Press the Rewind/Tune- button or Fast
Forward/Tune + button to skip from
one track to the next on a docked iPod.
Press the DST button to activate or
deactivate Daylight Savings Time.
Press and hold the Rewind/Tune-
button or Fast Forward/Tune + button
to search through an individual track on
a docked iPod.
02. Preset +/Alarm 2 Button
Press the Preset + button to cycle
through aM and FM radio presets.
Press and hold the alarm 2 button to
set alarm 2.
Press the Rewind/Tune- button or Fast
Forward/Tune + button to tune the aM
or FM radio.
03. Preset -/Alarm 1 Button
Press the Preset - button to cycle
through aM and FM radio presets.
09. Play/Pause Button
Press the Play/Pause button to play or
pause a docked iPod.
Press and hold the alarm 1 button to
set alarm 1.
10. Dock for iPod
04. Clock Adjust/source Button
Press and hold the Clock adjust button
to set the time on the unit.
11. Dimmer Button
Press the Dimmer button to adjust the
brightness of the lCD display, or to turn
the display off.
Press the Source button to switch
between iPod, aux, aM, FM, and off
12. time Zone Button
Press the Time Zone button to adjust
the Time Zone of the unit.
05. Power/Alarm off Button
Press the Power button to turn the unit
on and off.
13. Backup Battery Compartment
Requires 1 CR2025 battery (pre-
Press the alarm off button to turn the
alarm off after it sounds.
14. Reset Button
06. volume Button
Press the Reset button using a paper
clip or like object to restore the unit to
the manufacturer’s default settings.
Press the volume button to adjust the
volume of the unit.
07. snooze Button
15. Auxiliary Input
Press the Snooze button to delay the
alarm for an additional 9 minutes after
it sounds.
Use the auxiliary Input to connect an
MP3 player or other audio source to the
16. headphone Jack
Use the headphone Jack to connect a
set of headphones or earbuds to the unit.
ReMote ContRols & FeAtURes
ReMote ContRol GlossARY
26. Bass Buttons
17. Mute Button
Press the Mute button to mute the unit’s
Press the bass buttons to adjust the
levels of bass on the unit.
18. Display Button
27. treble Buttons
Press the Display button to view the set
alarm times.
Press the Treble buttons to adjust the
level of treble on the unit.
19. Power Button
Press the Power button to turn the unit
off and on.
20. Repeat Button
Press the Repeat button once to repeat
the current track on a docked iPod.
Press the Repeat button twice to repeat
an entire album or playlist on a docked
21. M+/M- Button
Press the M+/M- button to cycle
through menu items on a docked iPod.
Press the M+/M- button to cycle
through preset aM and FM radio
22. select Button
Press the Select button to make
selections in the menus of a docked
23. Shuffle Button
Press the Shuffle Button to activate the
shuffle feature on a docked iPod.
24. Chapter Buttons
Press the Chapter buttons to cycle
through chapters on a docked iPod.
25. Album Buttons
Press the album buttons to cycle
through albums on a docked iPod.
ReMote ContRols & FeAtURes
ReMote & lCD ContRol GlossARY
28. source Button
32. Memory Button
Press the Memory button save an aM
or FM radio station as a preset.
Press the Source button to switch
between iPod, aux, aM, and FM
33. Play/Pause Button
Press the Play/Pause button to play or
pause a docked iPod.
29. Menu Button
Press the Menu button to move to the
previous menu on a docked iPod.
34. Dimmer Button
Press the Dimmer button to adjust the
brightness of the lCD display.
30. sleep/snooze Button
Press the Sleep button consecutively
to set the sleep timer between 1 and 90
35. Playlist Buttons
Press the Playlist buttons to cycle
through playlists on a docked iPod.
Press the Snooze button to delay the
alarm for an additional 9 minutes after it 36. volume Buttons
has sounded.
Press the volume buttons to adjust the
volume of the unit.
31. skip -/skip+ Button
Press the Skip-/Skip+ button to skip
through tracks on a docked iPod.
Press and hold the Skip-/Skip+ button
to search through an individual track on
a docked iPod.
Press the Skip-/Skip+ button to tune the
aM or FM radio.
Daylight savings
time Zones
Alarm 1 and 2
GReen InItIAtIve
environmental Commitment to ‘Protect for today and sustain for tomorrow’
2009 marks the official launch of DPI, Inc.’s corporate campaign for a greener and
cleaner world. DPI and its four brands, ilive, weatherx, Capri, and GPx, are building
upon environmental initiatives introduced at all of their facilities to help formulate and
sustain significant and important conservation efforts within its manufacturing and
marketing communities. In addition to targeting and selecting energy efficient product
features, and structuring ‘green office’ procedures, other initial program efforts include:
Reduction of all packaging sizes
Recyclable plastics for clamshell packages, with a plan to
eventually replace plastic with recyclable paper
Recycled fiber board in place of the polyfoam in packing boxes
Recycled plastics in place of the virgin material in product construction
InteRnAtIonAl sUPPoRt
To download this User’s Guide in English, Spanish, or French, visit the support section
Para transferir esta guía de usuario en inglés, español, o francés, visite la sección de la
Pour télécharger ce guide de l’utilisateur en anglais, espagnol, ou français, visitez la
seRvICe InFoRMAtIon
address: 2116 Carr Street, St. louis Mo, 63106
Phone: 1-314-621-2881
Fax: 1-314-588-1805
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© 2009 Digital Products International (DPI, Inc.) | all other trademarks appearing herein are the property of their
respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice
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