6 lImIted Warranty
This warranty has been drafted to comply with the Federal Law applicable to prod-
ucts manufactured after July 4, 1975. This warranty is extended only to the original
purchaser/consumer or dealer/non-consumer who does not buy for resale and to no
other purchaser or transferee. GF Health Products, Inc. warrants the LF1600 Stand
Assist frame and parts against defects in materials and workmanship for the period
of one year.
The Warranty period for the consumer commences on the first date a product is
delivered to the consumer by the seller/dealer. If the product is rented or leased,
the warranty period commences on the invoice date from GF Health Products, Inc. A
copy of the invoice showing date of purchase must be provided when submitting war-
ranty claims. When proof of purchase date is not provided, warranty coverage shall
commence upon GF Health Products, Inc.'s invoice date to the dealer/purchaser.
If within the warranty period, the product or component part is proven to GF Health
Products, Inc.'s satisfaction to be defective, GF Health Products, Inc. shall provide,
at its option, one of the following: (1) repair or replacement of any defective or non-
conforming part or product or (2) a credit and/or refund of the original selling price
made to GF Health Products, Inc.'s initial customer on a prorated or depreciated
CREDIT AND/OR REFUND. This warranty does not include any labor charges incurred
in replacement part(s) installation or any associated freight or shipping charges to
the manufacturer. Freight charges to the manufacturer are at the expense of the con-
sumer or purchaser, and will not be reimbursed.
LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: The foregoing warranty shall not apply to serial
numbered products if the serial number has been removed or defaced. Products
subjected to negligence, abuse, misuse, improper operation, improper mainte-
nance, improper cleaning, improper storage, or damages beyond GF Health Prod-
ucts, Inc.'s control are not covered by this warranty, and that evaluation shall be
solely determined by GF Health Products, Inc. This warranty shall not apply to
problems arising from normal wear and tear or failure to follow instructions. The
warranty shall also not apply to products modified without GF Health Products,
Inc.’s express written consent; nor shall it apply if parts not manufactured by GF
Health Products, Inc., or if parts not complying with original equipment specifica-
tions are added to GF Health Products, Inc. products; or if the product or part is
serviced by an entity not authorized by GF Health Products, Inc.
For warranty service, please contact the authorized dealer from whom you acquired
your GF Health Products, Inc. product. In the event you do not receive satisfactory
warranty service, please contact GF Health Products, Inc. at the address on the back
cover. Do not return products to our factory without prior authorization. This war-
ranty contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior,
contrary or additional representations or understandings, whether oral or written,
concerning our warranty policy.
LF1600-INS-LAB-RevB07 • LF1600 Stand Assist